
The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a difference in the perceived level of competence in recent dental school graduates before or after completion of a 1-year general dentistry residency program. A survey instrument was administered to recent dental school graduates before or after completing a 1-year U.S. Air Force Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) residency program to evaluate their self-perceived competency in 60 selected diagnostic and clinical areas at the time of their graduation from dental school. Questionnaires were returned by 103 test subjects, for a response rate of 92%. Pearson's chi 2 test revealed a significant difference in self-perceived competence at the time of graduation from dental school between dentists just completing dental school and dentists who had just completed a 1-year postgraduate AEGD residency. Dentists completing a 1-year postgraduate general dentistry residency perceived themselves to be statistically less competent at the time of dental school graduation than dentists who had just completed dental school in 9 of 60 areas. A significant difference exists in the opinions of new dental school graduates compared with dentists with an additional year of training regarding their level of competence at the time of dental school graduation.

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