
This study examined perceived and objective health risks, health promotive behavior, risk perception, and knowledge of risk factors for peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in children of patients with PAD. Children of patients who had lower extremity distal arterial reconstructive surgery or amputation for complications of PAD completed an investigator-developed questionnaire. Risk factor and behavioral measures were self-reported. Data were collected by telephone interview. The sample consisted of 15 children of 6 patients. Subjects displayed optimistic bias regarding their risk for developing PAD, with 67% reporting their parent's illness had no impact on their health behaviors. Fifty-three percent felt their comparative risk was “about the same” as same-age, same-sex peers. Risk factor knowledge varied and none mentioned hypertension, age, obesity, or gender; the most commonly cited risk factor was diabetes mellitus. Forty-seven percent of the offspring never smoked, less than half exercised regularly, most were overweight or had class I or class II obesity, and most were unaware of their blood pressure or cholesterol levels. Despite frequent interactions with their affected parent, these children exhibited poor understanding of risk factors and personal risk of developing PAD and most did not participate in health promotive behaviors. Educational efforts by national societies promoting an understanding of modifiable risk factors must be improved. Future studies need to explore interventions designed to improve risk perception and health promotive behaviors. (J Vasc Nurs 2003;21:17-21)

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