
The Coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic reduced real and perceived access to healthcare services, exacerbating pandemic fear, and thus influencing consumers' adoption of preventative health behaviors. Extending the EHBM, results from two studies show that perceived access to health services and pandemic fear impact an individual's general and COVID‐preventative health behaviors. High perceived access reduces pandemic fear through its buffering effects on perceived health vulnerability and pandemic‐related health system concern, especially with telehealth usage during the pandemic. While pandemic fear motivates COVID‐19 vaccination, pandemic fear reduces personal preventative health behavior (e.g., healthy eating, exercising) and has little effect on personal COVID‐preventative behaviors (e.g., wearing a mask, social distancing) when individuals perceive high pandemic‐related control. Moreover, the fear‐behavior link does not hold for preventative health visits; instead, perceived access directly promotes preventative visits and screening. This research informs public health stakeholders' communication, education, and resource allocation during health crises like the COVID‐19 pandemic.

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