
This study aims to find differences between the Panel Method and the Brainstorming Method on social studies learning outcomes of students. This research was conducted at SDN Jatiranggon 2 in semester 2 of the 2022-2023 school year. The population of this study was 62 students consisting of 32 students in class VA and 30 students in class 5 B. The sample used was a saturated sample. This study uses a Quasi design method. Before the research instrument is given to the research object, the instrument is tested first, namely the validity and reliability test. The validity test using the point biserial formula obtained 26 valid questions and 14 invalid questions, while the reliability test using the Kuder-Richardson formula (KR20) obtained rcount> 1.0348 (0.361> 1.0348). This means that the test has reliability. Hypothesis testing is done by calculating the t-test and obtaining tcount > ttable (8.12 > 2.00), which means Ho is rejected. Therefore, the results of this study concluded that there is a difference between the Panel Method and the Brainstorming Method on social studies learning outcomes of students.

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