
<p>The objective of this study was to compare the characteristics of pig farming<br />performances of the three different agro-ecological zones, i.e. at island, coastal and lowland ecological zones. Sites represented island pig farmers were Biak and Yapen. Samples subsequently were taken from Samofa District and South Yapen District comprised of Famboaman, Anotaurei, Mariadei and Mantembu villages. Sites in Manokwari were taken from six districts and 15 villages. Characteristic of farmers and pig keeping systems such as household information, pig population and reproduction, and social technical aspects, were studied. Participatory research using interview and observation was separately done towards 155 pig farmers. Statistical analysis used Duncan multiple comparisons and Chi-square (χ2) were used to analyse the data. Coastal pig farmers are younger than island and lowland pig farmers. They have middle number of experiences compared to island pig farmers. The majority of farmers is men-pig farmers and has adequate household members. It was found that many are not educated and are elementary graduation. Altough their objectives are directed to commercial production system. Coastal pig farmers have higher number of animal population added to this is herd size per household compared to the two other agro-ecological zones. Feeding systems are practised in proper combination, such as feeding ration of physiological ages every day and feeding processing. Natural mating is practised by the majority of pig farmers. Several of pig farmers know the sign of oestrus, gestating and practising procedures of breed selection. Distance to market and distance to town are experienced by lowland pig farmers compared to coastal and island pig farmers. Perception of pig farmers is satisfy and they have lack of extensionist visiting, lack in middlemen visiting and positive social acceptances.</p><p>Key words: pig farming systems, agro-ecological zones, pig production, West Papua</p>

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