
The main target of agricultural development is to increase agricultural production and income of rice farmers, therefore the activities of the agricultural sector are endeavored to run smoothly by increasing food products through intensification, extensification and diversification of agriculture which is expected to improve the standard of living of farmers, expand employment opportunities for the community still depends on the agricultural sector. The level of income of farmers in general is affected by several components, namely: the amount of production, selling prices, and costs incurred by farmers in their agriculture. To find out how much the cost, revenue, income, R / C Ratio, the difference in rice farm income between the Districts in Langkat District. The data used are primary data sourced from the groups of three rice farmers in Secanggang District, Sei Bingei District, and Batang Serangan District. Each sub-district was taken as many as sixteen farmer groups by giving a questionnaire list. The research model is a quantitative model using F-test techniques using SPSS version 16.0. The results showed that there were differences in costs, revenues, income, and R / C Ratio of lowland rice farming in Secanggang District, Sei Bingei District, and Batang Serangan District in Langkat Regency.


  • Sasaran utama pengembangan pertanian adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi pertanian dan pendapatan petani padi, oleh karena itu kegiatan sektor pertanian diupayakan untuk berjalan dengan lancar dengan meningkatkan produk pangan melalui intensifikasi, ekstensifikasi, dan diversifikasi pertanian yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan standar hidup petani, memperluas peluang kerja bagi masyarakat masih tergantung pada sektor pertanian

  • The main target of agricultural development is to increase agricultural production and income of rice farmers, the activities of the agricultural sector are endeavored to run smoothly by increasing food products through intensification, extensification and diversification of agriculture which is expected to improve the standard of living of farmers, expand employment opportunities for the community still depends on the agricultural sector

  • The level of income of farmers in general is affected by several components, namely: the amount of production, selling prices, and costs incurred by farmers in their agriculture

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HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pendapatan Usahatani Padi Sawah Di Kabupaten Langkat

Adapun pendapatan usahatani padi sawah di Kabupaten Langkat dihitung berdasarkan penerimaan usahatani padi sawah dikurangi dengan biaya produksi yang digunakan. Luas lahan padi sawah di Kecamatan Secanggang Kabupaten Langkat yang memiliki luas lahan terluas yaitu lebih besar atau sama dengan 21 hektar sebanyak 16 kelompok tani padi sawah. Luas lahan padi sawah di Kecamatan Sei Bingei Kabupaten Langkat yang memiliki luas lahan terluas yaitu 11 – hektar sebanyak 8 kelompok tani padi sawah. Lluas lahan padi sawah di Kecamatan Batang Serangan Kabupaten Langkat yang memiliki luas lahan terluas yaitu 6 – 10 hektar sebanyak 9 kelompok tani padi sawah. Untuk luas lahan lebih luas atau sama dengan 21 hektar dan 16 – 20 hektar tidak ada kelompok tani padi yang memilikinya. Total biaya (biaya tidak tetap dan biaya tetap) usahatani padi sawah di Kecamatan Secanggang, Sei Bingei, dan Kecamatan Batang Serangan Kabupaten Langkat dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1

Batang Serangan
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