
PT. Pudak Oriental Indonesia is one of the companies that emphasize the importance of product quality. The common issue faced in the quality inspection process is the presence of numerous defective products that fail quality testing. The objective of this research is to identify the types of defects that frequently occur, identify their root causes, and reduce the defect rate using the Quality Control Circle (QCC) method, employing PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act), and Control Charts. QCC is a method aimed at reducing defects and improving product quality. The research findings indicate that the most frequent type of defect is white body defects, with a total of 309 pieces. The root cause analysis reveals that the most influential factors are human error and material factors. The results of the quality improvement implementation initially started at 18% and have reduced to 11%. Specifically for the white body defect type, after the defect mitigation efforts, the defect rate has been reduced from the initial 309 pieces to 54 pieces.

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