
XYZ company is a printing and publishing company, especially for lesson and education books with more than 50 branch offices in Indonesia. As a profit oriented organization, so far performance measures of this company only based on financial aspect. Whereas, non financial aspect and stakeholder wants and needs ignored and didn’t get enough attention. So, it is difficult to know overall company performance exactly. Therefore, required new performance measurement system that can describe company performance more comprehensive and integrated. This research use performance prism method to design the new performance measurement system because it is more suitable and representative with the objective condition of XYZ company than other models.The result of design describe that stakeholders of XYZ company are including: customers, employees, investors and owners, suppliers, regulators and local communities. Measurement system obtained 31 Key Performance Indicators(KPI) including 3 KPI of customers, 9 KPI of general employees, 4 KPI of production employees, 7 KPI of investor and owners, 3 KPI of suppliers, and 5 KPI of regulators and local communities. Result of implementation performance measurement system with scoring system using OMAX method indicates that amount of scor current performance indicator is 69%. From overall KPI, these are 4 KPI with bad performance criteria, that is amount of customer’s complaint, amount of eployee’s complaint with completion, increase of production volume and amount of late delivery of employee’s monthly report. Result of measurement can be based for doing evaluation and choice planning improvement organization, so all stakeholder requirements can be fulfilled.Keywords : Performance Prism, performance measurement, stakeholder


  • Perusahaan XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penerbitan dan percetakan buku, terutama buku-buku pelajaran dengan lebih dari 50 kantor cabang di seluruh Indonesia

  • far performance measures of this company only based on financial aspect

  • [7] Kaplan, R.S. and Norton, D.P. (1992), The Balanced Scorecard – measures that drive performance, Harvard Business Review, January-February, pp. 71-9

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Perusahaan XYZ merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penerbitan dan percetakan buku, terutama buku-buku pelajaran dengan lebih dari 50 kantor cabang di seluruh Indonesia. Bila dibandingkan dengan Balanced Scorecard, Performance Prism memiliki beberapa kelebihan diantaranya mengidentifikasi stakeholder dari banyak pihak yang berkepentingan, seperti pemilik dan investor, supplier, pelanggan, tenaga kerja, pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar. Bila dibandingkan dengan IPMS, Performance Prism memiliki kelebihan, yaitu Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang diidentifikasi terdiri dari KPI strategi, KPI proses, dan KPI kapabilitas. Ada keinginan dari obyek penelitian, agar sistem pengukuran kinerja memperhatikan aspek kepuasan stakeholder secara komprehensif, yakni menyertakan kepentingan semua stakeholder yang terkait serta kepentingan perusahaan yang bersangkutan. Didasarkan atas keunggulan dan tujuan perusahaan, maka perancangan dan implementasi sistem pengukuran kinerja pada Perusahaan XYZ akan menggunakan model Performance Prism. Pengukuran kinerja perusahaan hanya didasarkan pada aspek finansial saja, yaitu dari rasio profitabilitas yang secara otomatis hanya memenuhi keinginan satu stakeholder saja, yakni pemilik dan investor. Memberikan usulan perbaikan kinerja pada perusahaan dan prioritasnya setelah hasil implementasi didapatkan dan dievaluasi

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