
In this technological era, hospitals are required to improve the quality of health services. Including in terms of completeness of medical records. Completeness of medical records is the recording of specific medical record deficiencies that can still be completed by medical record officers. The purpose of this study was to design a Medical Record Completeness Information System at Muhammadiyah Hospital Bandung because the information system at this hospital still uses Microsoft Excel to fill in the completeness of medical record data. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach, data collection techniques are carried out with field observations to analyze the needs of the information system to be made. While the development method used is the waterfall or linear sequential model, through the design stages using Context Diagrams, Level 1 Data Flow Diagrams, and Entity Relationship Diagrams which are then carried out by implementing the system that has been made. The design of this information system is expected to make it easier for medical record officers in filling out medical record completeness data to be faster and more effective so that this design can be well integrated. The results of the design of the information system found that the system was well integrated when entering input. Completeness analysis can display complete information or not a medical record.

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