
Perum Perhutani is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) that focus on forest management. One of the Perum Perhutani’s main businesses is Agroforestry. To achieve the business goals of Agroforestry, Perum Perhutani requires an information system that is capable of supporting its management activities. In developing IT, Perum Perhutani has a reference, that is the SOE Regulation Number: PER-03 / MBU / 02/2018 regarding the Information Technology Management Preparation Guide that every BUMN must align business strategy with the IT strategy. So, Perum Perhutani requires the design of Enterprise Architecture. The framework that will be used in designing Enterprise Architecture is the Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) and the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) method. The output of this design is a blueprint and IT Roadmap for 5 years that can be used as an implementation guide.


  • that focus on forest management

  • Perusahaan Umum (Perum) Perhutani requires an information system that is capable of supporting its management activities

  • Perum Perhutani requires the design of Enterprise Architecture

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Preliminary Phase

Preliminary phase merupakan tahap awal sebagai persiapan penyusunan perancangan. Pada tahap ini dilakukan penetapan prinsip yang terdiri dari 4 domain arsitektur yaitu bisnis, data, aplikasi dan teknologi. Prinsip tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai acuan dan alat ukur keberhasilan dari perancangan enterprise architecture [5]. Prinsip yang digunakan dalam perancangan dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1 Principle Catalog di bawah ini: Tabel 1 Principle Catalog

Architecture Vision
Business Architecture
Strategi bisnis selaras dengan strategi TI
Information System Architecture – Data Architecture
Pertukaran data dilakukan secara real-time
Information System Architecture – Application Architecture
12 Aplikasi dapat membantu proses pencatatan hasil produksi
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