
Higher education is one of the places to develop competencies, which will prepare students (human resources) to become people who have academic and professional abilities. In universities, lecturers carry out the main task known as the Tri Dharma College, namely education and teaching activities, research and development, and community service, while at Telkom University in addition to the Tri Dharma College there are also supporting tasks and special obligations of the professor. In supporting lecturers for supervisory supervision is still subjective and there is injustice in the verification process, as well as collecting data related to supporting lecturers manually. The lack of supervision and the absence of a system in integrating the supporting data resulted in uneven distribution of support (both assignments and points obtained) and the absence of track records for lecturers. So that it requires a proposed business process design, blueprint document design, and the design of a user interface that is in accordance with the penunjang mechanism based on Tel-U Point in the Telkom Industrial Engineering Faculty with interesting and accessible visualization anywhere. With the design of this website-based information support mechanisms, it is expected that the control holders in each process can be clearly illustrated, supporting data can be well integrated, and data filling and storage can be automated in the system.


  • Perguruan tinggi merupakan salah satu tempat untuk mengembangkan kompetensi, yang mana akan mempersiapkan peserta didik untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang memiliki kemampuan akademis dan profesional yang dapat menerapkan, mengembangkan dan menciptakan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan kesenian [1]

  • lecturers carry out the main task known as the

  • well as collecting data related to supporting lecturers

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Overload Fit Underload

Gambar 2 Persentase Data Beban Kerja Dosen Bidang Penunjang Eksisting Sumber: Wakil Dekan II Fakultas Rekayasa Industri. Dengan rancangan sistem informasi mekanisme kinerja bidang penunjang berbasis website ini maka diharapkan pemegang kontrol dalam setiap prosesnya dapat tergambar dengan jelas, data penunjang dapat terintegrasi dengan baik, dan dari pengisian dan penyimpanan data dapat terotomatisasi didalam sistem

Aplikasi dapat dijalankan sesuai Berhasil dengan yang di harapkan
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