
Rupiah is the official currency of the Indonesian people. Love for the rupiah is an important thing for the people of Indonesia, because the rupiah is a symbol of Indonesian ownership. However, over time, the love for the Rupiah has faded. Not caring for rupiah currency, not appreciating or even destroying it are some signs of depletion of love for rupiah currency. 3D animation can be an effective means of instilling certain values, especially among children. Through 3D animation, the love for the Rupiah currency can be instilled indirectly in the general public and children in particular. Based on this, this study will describe the design of 3D animation in an effort to educate the public about the importance of loving the Rupiah as the nation's currency. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The purpose of this research is to find out the ways and stages in designing audio-visual educational media in the form of 3D animation. The result of this research is the formation of a 3D animation titled “Because of Rupiah for Indonesia” which is then disseminated to the public through Instagram social media. The distribution of this 3D animation has a positive response from the public so that it can be said as a proper educational medium.

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