
One of the tools used by cameramen to help stabilize while recording is Glidecam. Glidecam works based on the use of additional weights to compensate the load from the camera. However, there are still weaknesses in the use of Glidecam, including the fatigue and aches felt by the cameraman after Glidecam's use. In addition, it may cause disruption to joint, ligament, muscle, nerve and tendon function, and spine, for continuous Glidecam use. One alternative tool to overcome this problem is the use of Arm Brace. Arm Brace in the form of a passive exoskeleton that will compensate for part of the load from Glidecam. The product design process includes creating mission statements, identifying customer needs, determining product specifications, developing concepts, selecting concepts, making prototypes and evaluating prototypes. In this study two prototypes were made and evaluation with statistical tests showed that there was a significant increase in the endurance time of using Glidecam on the use of the two prototypes compared to that without the tools. The selection of the final prototype is done with a qualitative evaluation from the user. Qualitative evaluation is carried out with six assessment criteria: ease of use and installation, product mobility, product mass, product robustness, product support and product mechanism.Keywords: Glidecam, Arm Brace, Eksoskeleton


  • Abstrak Salah satu alat yang digunakan juru kamera untuk membantu kestabilan saat merekam adalah Glidecam

  • of the tools used by cameramen to help stabilize while recording is

  • Glidecam works based on the use of additional weights to compensate the load

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Hanya cocok untuk produk Glidecam seri HD

Pada HOQ ini, informasi yang diperoleh dari para pengguna akan diterjemahkan menjadi spesifikasi teknis untuk produk. Dari keenam kebutuhan ini diperoleh tujuh buah spesifikasi teknis seperti ditunjukkan pada Gambar 2. Pada HOQ dapat ditunjukkan spesifikasi target dari produk yang akan dibuat dan diperoleh dari produk pesaing yang telah terdapat di pasaran yaitu forearm brace Glidecam. Pencarian eksternal, terdapat tiga buah produk dan sebuah mekanisme yang dapat diaplikasikan pada perancangan sebuah arm brace. - Ukuran dapat - Mekanisme disesuaikan locking harus dengan diatur dengan tangan tangan yang pamakai. - Mekanisme memakai arm locking brace membantu sehingga pengguna akan untuk merepotkan menahan dalam beban dari pergantian tangan. Mekanisme pegas membantu kompensasi beban yang ditanggung tangan Tangan dapat denganmudah bergerak. - Mekanisme pegas dari bingkai kawat berpotensi menimbulkan deformasi plastis atau terlalu kaku sehingga menyulitkan mobilitas

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