
This study aims to describe the role of the madrasa head in strengthening character education. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a literature study approach. Sources of research data come from various previous research literature that examines the role of school principals or teachers in strengthening character education in educational institutions. The research data is in the form of sentence excerpts collected through the reading-note technique. The results of the study show that the madrasa head as one of the highest leaders in a madrasa has a central role in strengthening the character education system. The principal in an educational institution he leads has the role of manager, leader, educator, and innovator. The role as a manager means that the principal acts as a policy maker who is able to accommodate all student needs related to character education. The principal as a leader means being able to provide instructions and supervision, make decisions, and have the ability to communicate. As an educator, it means that the principal is required to be able to provide education to all elements he leads regarding strengthening character education. The role of the principal as an innovator means that the principal and the team are required to provide new, enlightening ideas related to the pattern of character education that is implemented in the educational institution they lead.

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