
<p><em>Hindu religious teacher who plays an important role in the development of character in students, even the attitude of teachers is often used as guidance by learners in everyday life. The magnitude of these influences requires the teacher to behave and act cautiously. The teacher is the person responsible for the teaching and learning process, has space to be conditioned and directed, ie the classroom where he and his students (learners) interact.</em><strong></strong></p><p><em>Theories used to analyze problems are: role theory, from Dayaksini and Hudaniah, the theory of convergence, from Gunawan, the theory of behavior change, from Allport. The subject of this research is the teacher of Hindu religion in SD Negeri 2 Semarapura Tengah. Methods of data collection are open observation, structured interview, documentation and literature. The collected data was analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method with reduction measures, data presentation, and conclusion.</em><strong></strong></p><p><em>The results showed (1) Teachers in education activities have three tasks, namely the task as planners, implementers, and assessors. Teachers as planners prepare a learning activity that will do with learners. The preparation includes objectives, materials, media, strategies or methods, and evaluations that all of these components have been summarized in the Lesson Plans (RPP). While in his duties as a teacher implementer has roles in carrying out its duties, namely as educators, teachers, mentors, directors, trainers, learning resources, facilitators, managers, demonstrators, motivators and assessors. In this role the teacher develops the character of the students through classroom lessons, practical activities, and other activities outside of the lesson that can support the development of character in students. (2) The factors that influence in the development of student character that is internal factor and ekstrn factor. Internal factors include teacher personality, teacher education level, teacher teaching ability, and teacher discipline. External factors include the state of students, facilities and infrastructure, and social relationships with the community. (3) Efforts made by teachers in character development in students at SD Negeri 2 Semarapura Tengah is through improving teacher education, improving teacher personality competencies, improving teaching skills, improving teacher discipline, understanding the students' condition, maintaining the completeness of facilities and infrastructure, Maintaining good social relationships with the community, and working with parents of students in instilling character in learners.</em><strong></strong></p>

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