
This thesis is entitled "The Role of Community Leaders in Preserving the Berattep Tradition of the Malays in Samustida Village, Teluk Keramat District, Sambas Regency". The general problem in this research is "What is the role of community leaders in Preserving the Berattep Tradition of the Malays in Samustida Village, Teluk Keramat District, Sambas Regency?". The sub-problem of this research is how is the role of community leaders as mentors, motivators, role models and the procession of the Berattep tradition in Samustida Village, Teluk Keramat District, Sambas Regency. This research method is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Research informants are Mr. Samsudin and Mr. Bujang Abdullah as community leaders in the implementation of the Berattep tradition. The results showed that the two informants as community leaders had carried out their roles as mentors, motivators, role models where both informants provided guidance by inviting the public to know the materials and process of implementing Berattep, as motivators, the two informants motivated the community by always informing and inviting the public. To preserve the Berattep tradition, as an example, the two informants gave examples of the process of implementing the Berattep tradition in a directed manner, and the procession of the Berattep tradition from preparing the materials to the procession was carried out in a way that had been made from generation to generation.

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