
In the period of ancient Bali, religious leaders who were generally known to play a role in religious aspects had also an essential role in the government bureaucracy of a king. This was seen in the reign of King Marakata that the inscriptions he issued in 944 ?aka to 962 ?aka. The inscriptions claimed that the existence of royal government positions held by complete religious leaders indicated by their titles and symbols. There were two purposes of this study. The first was to explain the position and role of religious leaders in the bureaucracy of the government of King Marakata. Second, explained about the mutation of positions of religious leaders. The method used in data collection is in the form of observation, interviews, and using library research. The analysis used is a qualitative analysis, comparative analysis, and contextual analysis. The theories used are structural functionalism theory and power relations theory. Based on theanalysis of the contents of King Marakata’s inscriptions, the results obtained that the position and the role of religious leaders are interrelated. Religious leadersdomiciled in the holy place and government bureaucracy. Religious leadersact as clergy and officials both as structural officials and functional officials. The mutation of positions of the religious leaders occurred on his act as an official or clergy. Factors that affect mutations of positions are death, resignation, a dismissal, the appointment, a decline or a promotion, and ability.


  • Pada masa Bali Kuno, tokoh agama yang umumnya diketahui berperan dalam aspek keagamaan, juga memiliki peranan penting dalam birokrasi pemerintahan seorang raja

  • religious leaders who were generally known to play a role in religious aspects had also an essential role

  • This was seen in the reign of King Marakata that the inscriptions

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Hasil Dan Pembahasan

5.1 Gambaran Umum Pemerintahan Raja Marakata Prasasti Raja Marakata diantaranya sebagai berikut: Prasasti Batuan (944 Śaka/1022 Masehi), Prasasti Tengkulak A (945 Śaka/1023 Masehi), Prasasti Sawan I: Bila I (945 Śaka/1023 Masehi), Prasasti Buwahan B (947 Śaka/1025 Masehi), Prasasti Ujung (962 Śaka/1040 Masehi), Prasasti Kesian Pura Sibi I (945 Śaka/1023 Masehi), Prasasti Kesian Pura Sibi II (948 Śaka/1026 Masehi), Prasasti Kesian Pura Sibi III (948 Śaka/1026 Masehi), Prasasti Kesian Pura Sibi IV, dan Prasasti Bangli Pura Kehen B tanpa angka tahun (Goris, 1954: 351-357; Bagus, 1993: 118-120). Raja Marakata adalah raja Bali Kuno yang memerintah pada tahun 944 Śaka/1022 Masehi sampai 962 Śaka/1040 Masehi. Rentang waktu pemerintahan beliau ditetapkan berdasarkan prasati yang menyebut nama beliau dengan angka tahun paling muda dan paling tua. Berdasarkan isi prasasti tersebut, diketahui bahwa susunan birokrasi pemerinatahan Raja Marakata terdiri dari raja, senapati, samgat, mpungku sewasogata, nayakan, caksu, hulu, manuratang, adhi karana, rggap parlpahan, pituha, bsar, parawuluwulu, madudri dan rama kabayan. Masyarakat pada pemerintahan Raja Marakata, menganut agama Siwa dan Buddha dengan adanya penyebutan tokoh-tokoh agama Dang Ācāryya (Siwa) dan Dang Upadhyaya (Buddha). Kegiatan perekonomian masyarakat terlihat dari adanya kegiatan jual beli, penggunaan mata uang, pembudidayaan hewan ternak, dan pemanfaatan sawah. Raja Marakata juga melakukan penegakan hukum, peraturan dalam bermasyarakat, peraturan terhadap harta warisan, dan kesenian

Kedudukan dan Peran Tokoh
Mutasi Jabatan Tokoh Agama dalam Birokrasi Pemerintahan
Daftar Pustaka
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