
Media are tools that are used to convey messages from communicators to the public. Public relations can not be separated from the media, because public relations needs media to publication the information about the company or organization. In the process of its performance, the Cilincing District Health Center certainly needs to convey information to its audience whether it is necessary to receive programs, services and so on. This does not include media information for programs and such information. This study aims to analyze the role of public relations in Instagram social media as a publication to improve community services in the Cilincing District Health Center. The research method in this study is qualitative, with descriptive research using case studies. Data collection techniques in this study by conducting in-depth interviews, observation, discipline and literature. The role of public relations is the role of expert advisors, the role of communication facilitators, the role of problem solving process facilitators, and the role of communication technicians. Public relations are active in utilizing Instagram as a publication tool in the Cilincing District Health Center, through the results related to the community relations role of the Cilincing District Health Center only.

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