
This research aims to find out the role of producers in the news process on the live cross broadcast on LPP TVRI Bengkulu, referring to the Role Theory by Soerjono Soekanto as well as the Theory of Gatekeeper models Bruce Wastley and Malcolm Maclean. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive by collecting complete research data by participating directly related to the role of producers in the process of reporting live cross broadcasts at LPP TVRI Bengkulu. The technique of collecting informants in this study used a purposive sampling technique, namely a sampling technique by determining certain criteria. Data collection techniques are by interviews, observations, and documentation by collecting complete research data and also observing and participating in the role of producers in the news process on live cross broadcasts at LPP TVRI Bengkulu. The results of this study concluded that based on the theory of the role and role of the gatekeeper by a producer in a live cross broadcast, it is someone who has full authority and responsibility in decision making during a live cross broadcast. The live cross broadcast process is divided into 3 stages in which the producer plays a live role in all of these stages. Be it from the pre-implementation process which includes the assignment of reporters, news selection, news editing, and contacting the team in charge. In the implementation process, it is monitoring and coordinating the team on the ground. As well as the post-implementation process is the evaluation of the results of the team's overall work.

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