
ABSTRACT Transgender is considered by majority indonesian community as deviant behavior becasue it violated norms and god's will. Transgender gets many rejection and pressure which appear from himself, family and community. They are also negatively stigmated become marginal community. Accutally transgender is also a human and their transgeder's condition is not a choice but it's appear naturally. As a human, transgender also believe exsistence of god. So, transgender have a right for learn and exprres their religiosity desire to get closer with god. But the negative stigma by society makes transgender feels difficulty in performing religious activities. These conditions encourage transgender in Yogyakarta along with kyai formed Transgender Pesantren Al-Fatah. The presence of Transgender Pesantren Al-Fatah having an influence in building citizenship. Activities undertaken transgender pesantren are not limited religious instruction alone but also developed to educate the public and the government. This study intends to describe and analyze the role of Pondok Pesantren Al-Fatah waria in building citizenship for transvestites. Transgender Pesantren Al-Fatah build citizenship by conducting learning activities, training and empowerment for transgender students. Educate the community through religious activities, social events and discussion on campus and melakkan advocacy against the government. These activities have an impact on the dimensions of citizenship of the students transvestites are waking evidenced the presence of some people started to accept the existence and support activities as well as cooperation with Transgender Pesantren Al-Fatah . But still there are people who do not accept the existence of Transgender Pesantren Al-Fatah. Keywords: citizenship, transgender, pesantren, civil society

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