
ABSTRACT Counseling is one of the important things in providing knowledge to farmers as a process of disseminating information, information processes or providing explanations, the process of changing farmers' behavior (attitudes, knowledge and skills) and the educational process. The importance of the role of agricultural extension workers, especially in the application of organic rice cultivation using the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method in Tarakan City is still very much needed to improve human resources (farmers) so that they are able to manage existing natural resources intensively in order to achieve productivity and income improvement activities. The purpose of this study was to describe the role of agricultural extension agents in the application of the SRI method in the Mamburungan Village of Tarakan City and to find out the obstacles faced by agricultural extension workers in extension activities to farmer groups in Mamburungan Village, Tarakan City. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a survey method. This research is analyzed by using descriptive analysis and Likert Scale. Determination of samples using purposive sampling technique. The results of the study show the role of agricultural instructors in the application of the SRI method in Mapan Sejahtera farmer groups as facilitators, motivators, educators and communicators are categorized as very important. The obstacle faced by extension agents in conducting extension activities is the lack of farmers' participation in developing organic rice cultivation with the SRI system because farmers are still focused on conventional rice cultivation; facilities and infrastructure in conducting extension activities are still very minimal so that the process of extension activities is hampered. Key words: Extension, Role of Extension, SRI Method

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