
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of moral education in the formation of student discipline and to determine the factors that influence the process of forming student discipline at the Darullughah Wadda'wah Banat Islamic Boarding School.
 This research is a descriptive qualitative research that describes the conditions as they are, without giving treatment or manipulation to the variables studied
 The results of the study indicate that the role of moral education in the formation of student discipline at Ponpes DALWA Banat includes a. Learning activities (introduction, understanding, application, repetition, and character internalization). b. Cultivation in self-development (routine activities, spontaneous activities, exemplary and conditioning). Factors supporting the process of forming student discipline, namely preparing special teachers in the field of religion, religious books to support student learning, adequate infrastructure, the existence of pesantren caregivers who regulate and supervise, support from parents, teachers, and parties related to students, and the spirit of students in study. Factors inhibiting the process of fostering student discipline, namely the different backgrounds of students, infrastructure facilities are not well maintained, lack of awareness of students

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