
cases that show a decline in student morale. The reality that is happening today shows that there are still students who lack discipline at school by taking actions such as being disorganized during the flag ceremony, not in accordance with school attributes, coming late to school, skipping school or skipping class during class hours, fights between students, stealing, smoking, and committing other offences. Teachers have a very important role in shaping student attitudes and behavior, one of which is student discipline. The existence of PKS in SMK Negeri 1 Bantul is to help teachers to discipline and secure students at SMK Negeri 1 Bantul. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research. The results of this study indicate that 1) PKS plays a role in helping to shape students' disciplined attitudes. This role is carried out through the PKS work program. The PKS work programs are impromptu inspections, traffic safety, helping discipline students when parking, guarding students during flag ceremonies and holding traffic training with the police. 2) PKS plays a role in providing direction to students. 3) Supporting factors, namely support from the teacher for the PKS work program, facilities and infrastructure, and cooperation with the Bantul Police. The inhibiting factors for PKS arise from the pros and cons of teachers against the PKS work program, the lack of obedience of PKS administrators and students in complying with school rules.

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