
This study aims to determine and describe the role of Toli-Toli-Labengki Giant Clam Conservation for the giant clams’ sustainability in Toli-Toli Village, Lalonggasumeeto District. This study uses a qualitative method by applying Green Thought and International Organizations theory to see the role of NGOs in the restoration of giant clam habitat areas. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used was interviews, literature study and documentation with data analysis techniques consisting of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the NGO Toli-Toli – Labengki Giant Clam Conservation played a role as: an independent actor who acts as an international organization and is not merely implementing the interests of the organization or its members, but for the common good; because for negotiations and produce mutually beneficial decisions by educating residents about the importance of giant clam for the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem of Toli-Toli Village so that in the end the community also get benefit; and instruments for collaborating with NGO Naturevolution to reduce plastic waste on the coastal area of the village to Labengki island. Considering the benefits of giant clams to marine ecosystems and the giant clams cultivation requires quite a lot of funds, this NGO should get more attention and support from both local and national governments.


  • T clams to marine ecosystems and the giant clams cultivation requires quite a lot of funds, this NonGovernmental Organization (NGO) should get more attention and support from both local and national governments

  • This study aims to determine and describe the role of Toli-Toli-Labengki Giant Clam Conservation for the giant clams’ sustainability in Toli-Toli Village, Lalonggasumeeto District

  • The results showed that the NGO Toli-Toli – Labengki Giant Clam Conservation played a role as: an independent actor who acts as an international organization and is not merely implementing the interests of the organization or its members, but for the common good; because for negotiations and produce mutually beneficial decisions by educating residents about the importance of giant clam for the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem of Toli-Toli Village so that in the end the community also get benefit; and instruments for collaborating with NGO Naturevolution to reduce plastic waste on the coastal area of the village to Labengki island

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Kima Sebagai Pelindung Ekosistem Laut

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan peran LSM Konservasi Kima Toli-Toli – Labengki bagi kelestarian kima di Desa Toli-Toli, Kecamatan Lalonggasumeeto. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengaplikasian teori Pemikiran Hijau dan Organisasi Internasional untuk melihat bagaimana peran LSM dalam pemulihan wilayah habitat Kima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa LSM ‘Konservasi Kima Toli-Toli – Labengki’ berperan sebagai; aktor independen yang bertindak sebagai organisasi internasional dan bukan sekedar pelaksanaan kepentingan organisasi maupun anggotanya, melainkan untuk kepentingan bersama; karena untuk perundingan dan menghasilkan keputusan bersama yang saling menguntungkan dengan mengedukasi warga mengenai pentingnya kerang kima untuk keberlangsungan ekosistem pesisir Desa Toli-Toli sehingga pada akhirnya masyarakat juga turut memperoleh keuntungan; dan instrumen untuk menggalang kerja sama dengan NGO Naturevolution untuk mengurangi limbah plastik di pesisir desa hingga pulau Labengki. Mengingat banyaknya manfaat kima untuk ekosistem laut dan menimbang bahwa budi daya kima membutuhkan dana yang tidak sedikit, maka LSM ini semestinya lebih banyak mendapatkan perhatian dan dukungan baik dari pemerintah lokal maupun nasional

Tinjauan Literatur Teori Organisasi Internasional
Metode Jenis Penelitian
Lokasi Penelitian
Teknik Pengumpulan Data
Teknik Analisis Data
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