
This paper discusses the role of the kiai's leadership in pesantren education in an effort to strengthen the Industrial Revolution 4.0 industry. Pesantren is an ideal education system that attempts to provide education to the community to develop the existing potential, because pesantren santri in pesantren are not only given religious knowledge, santri are also taught to live independently, have character and innovate through pesantren activities. The pesantren is one of the institutions of Islamic education that will produce a generation of Indonesians into 'ulama', Muslim scholars and generations who have national character and morality. In the current era of information technology development, learning approaches have experienced rapid development that can change people's mindsets. The availability of information technology that is connected to the internet makes it easy for everyone to access science. So that pesantren must also be able to actualize these developments by developing pesantren curricula that are in accordance with the needs of the times. Then what is the role of pesantren in facing the development of globalization, what strategies are suitable in dealing with generations of the millennial era.


  • Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang peran kepemimpinan kiai dalam pendidikan pesantren dalam upaya memperkuat industri Revolusi Industri 4.0

  • This paper discusses the role of the kiai's leadership in pesantren education

  • of the institutions of Islamic education that will produce a generation of Indonesians

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Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas tentang peran kepemimpinan kiai dalam pendidikan pesantren dalam upaya memperkuat industri Revolusi Industri 4.0. Pesantren merupakan sistem pendidikan yang ideal upaya memberikan pendidikan terhadap masyarakat untuk mengembangkan potensi potensi yang ada, karena dipesantren santri di pesantren tidak hanya diberikan pengetahuan agama saja, santri juga di ajarkan hidup mandiri, berkarakter dan berinovasi melalui kegiatan-kegiatan pesantren. Pesantren menjadi salah satu lembaga pendidikan agama Islam yang akan mencetak generasi Indonesia menjadi ulama’ besar, cendikiawa muslim dan juga generasi yang mempunyai karakter kebangsaan dan berakhlakul karimah. Di era perkembanagn teknologi informasi saat ini, pendekatan pembelajaran telah mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat sehingga dapat merubah pola pikir masyarakat.

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