
This study aims to determine the Principal Leadership Role in Efforts to Improve PerformanceTeachers In Junior-IT Amanah River City Full. Formulation of the problem in this research is how the Principal Leadership Role In Improving Teacher Working At SMP-IT Amanah River City Full. In Leadership Role Principal then it must be based on indicators Role of Leadership Principal: (1). Principal As Edukatot, (2). Principal As a manager, (3). As Principal Administrator, (4).Principal As Supervisor, (5). Principal As a Leader, (6). Principal For Innovators, (7). Principal As a motivator. From these results it is suggested: (1). Principal in order to understand the condition of the teacher well, has the ability to take decisions that are participatory, and has the ability to communicate well so intertwined harmonious cooperation between principals and teachers. (2). Principal should have a firmness in the dilakkan sanctions by the teacher if there is a violation of school rules that have been set together, such as in the case of late in attendance that do not fit the specified order. (3). Principal should be able to provide motivation to teachers so motivated to improve performance. In the form of awards either praise or reward, such as the election of an exemplary teacher. (4). Principal should have a strategy in developing innovative learning models such as moving class, and anaccelerated program.


  • This study aims to determine the Principal Leadership Role in Efforts to Improve Performance Teachers In SMP-IT Amanah Sungai Penuh city

  • The results showed that the principal in carrying out their duties in order to understand the condition of the teacher well, had the ability to make participatory decisions, and had the ability to communicate well so that there was a harmonious collaboration between the principal and the teacher

  • Principals should have firmness in giving sanctions carried out by teachers if there is a violation of school rules that have been set together, principals should be able to provide motivation to teachers so that they are encouraged to improve performance. in the form of awards in the form of praise or rewards, such as the selection of exemplary

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Kepala Sekolah Sebagai

Motivasi positif perlu dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan prestasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja tenaga kependidikan yang pada akhirnya akan dapat meningkatkan disiplin kerja tenanga kependidikan tersebut.Kepala sekolah perlu mempunyai strategi tertentu untuk mengembangkan motivasi tenaga kependidikannya di sekolah. Sekolah SMP-IT Amanah yaitu kepala sekolah selalu berusaha melakukan motivasi dengan sebaik-baiknya dengan maksud agar terjadinya keseimbangan usaha dengan pekerjaan yang dilakukan bagi para guru dalam bekerja. Pemberian motivasi kerja berupa reward, selalu diberikan dalam rangka peningkatan kinerja dan profesionalisme dalam melaksanakan setiap tugas yang emban guru dalam menjalankan proses belajar mengajar dan staf tata usaha dalam menjalankan segala bentuk adminsitrasi dalam pranata sekolah.Sedangkan pemberian punishment disesuaikan dengan bentuk norma-norma yang dilanggar. Mengungkapkan bahwa beliau memberikan motivasi kepada guru dengan pemberian kata semangat, pujian baik itu pada guru atau kepada pegawai juga dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah. Menurut beliau pujian adalah hal sederhana yang diucapkan oleh seseorang namun dapat berdampak positif bagi orang diberi pujian, terutama pujian yang membangun yang dapat membangkitkan motivasi dalam diri seseorang. Kepala sekolah SMP-IT mengundang orangtua/wali murid dalam proses musyawarah kegiatan-kegiatan di sekolah,biasanya mengenai acara/kegiatan tertentu seperti pelepasan siswa

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