
Background: Tuberculosis is a contagious and infectious disease, Tuberculosis can cause physical, mental, and social changes in patients. Tuberculosis can affect the sufferer's self-concept. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family roles and the risk of low self-esteem in tuberculosis patients at the Bogor City Hospital Methods: correlational descriptive research using a cross-sectional approach. The sample of this study was tuberculosis patients who underwent hospitalization in the Isolation Room of the Bogor Hospital from January to July in 2017 as many as 138 respondents. The instrument in this research is a questionnaire containing a list of questions which will be answered by the respondents consisting of 20 questions. Data analysis was carried out by chi-square. Results: The results of research on the role of the family are not optimal with a p-value (0.000) with a result value of 0.05 indicating that there is an influence of family roles with the risk of low self-esteem Conclusion: This study describes a relationship between family roles and the risk of low self-esteem in tuberculosis patients at the Bogor City Hospital

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