
This research is focused on Indonesia-US diplomatic relations in politics and defense. The relationships are very volatile both in terms of closeness and depth of defense cooperation between the two countries. Bilateral defense cooperation is aimed at improving military relations between the two countries and building professionalism of the TNI - in addition to achieving the Indonesian defense goals such as maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the country. Indonesia has interest in maintaining defense cooperation with the US due to the fact that the majority of Indonesia’s major defense equipment is from the US and other western countries. By taking the perspective of the Susilo B. Yudhoyono administration (2004-2014), defense diplomacy is closely related to the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) program. The MEF program has initiated the Indonesian government to cooperate with the US in the context of maintenance and procurement of weapons that have been embargoed since 1999. This research also finds that among various defense cooperation activities between Indonesia and the US, the major one is actually in the field of education and training, e.g., short courses, staff and command education, seminars, post graduate programs and others. Meanwhile, the other defense cooperation activity, namely defense industry, is still very minor until today. The method of research is qualitative using descriptive analytical collected from the interview of practitioners and from secondary sources such book, paper, and open sources


  • This research is focused on Indonesia-US diplomatic relations in politics and defense

  • Bilateral defense cooperation is aimed at improving military relations between the two countries and building professionalism of the TNI - in addition to achieving the Indonesian defense goals such as maintaining the sovereignty and integrity of the country

  • Yudhoyono administration (2004-2014), defense diplomacy is closely related to the Minimum Essential Force (MEF) program

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Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

PERAN DIPLOMASI PERTAHANAN INDONESIA DALAM KERJASAMA PERTAHANAN INDONESIA DAN AMERIKA. Abstrak Tulisan ini memfokuskan pada hubungan diplomasi Indonesia dan AS dalam bidang politik dan pertahanan yang telah berjalan lama. Kerjasama pertahanan bilateral dilakukan dalam rangka meningkatkan hubungan antara militer dan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme TNI serta mencapai tujuan pertahanan negara Indonesia seperti menjaga kedaulatan dan integritas negara. Kepentingan Indonesia dalam menjalin kerjasama pertahanan dengan AS karena sebagian besar alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) berasal dari AS dan negara-negara barat lainnya. Program MEF mendorong pemerintahan SBY untuk bekerjasama dengan AS dalam rangka pemeliharaan dan pembelian persenjataan yang mengalami embargo sejak tahun 1999. Disisi lain kegiatan kerjasama pertahanan Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat yang paling besar justru dalam bidang pendidikan dan pelatihan yaitu kursus singkat, pendidikan staf dan komando, seminar, pasca sarjana dan lain-lainnya.

Pendahuluan pertahanan negara yaitu melindungi
Indonesia dipimpin oleh Menteri
Jumlah Nama
States of America on Cooperative Activities in the
Jadi poin ini menunjukan bahwa
Panglima TNI Laksamana Agus
Santoso mengatakan setelah penandatanganan
IUSSD X dilakukan di AS bersamaan dengan pertemuan Joint Commisison
Integrated Maritime Surveillance
Selain itu AS menyadari bahwa sejumlah negara ASEAN bersama
Indonesia sudah berganti dari Presiden
Indonesia kepada AS dan sebaliknya melalui sejumlah tawaran kerjasama
Pedrason Kepala Prodi Diplomasi
Habibie Center
Negeri Australia dalam
Commission on Terrorist
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