
Surabaya City Slum Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK) is one of the programs implemented by the Surabaya City Social Service. The Surabaya Slum Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK) improves the quality of social life and the living environment of poor families. This research is a qualitative descriptive study that aims to describe and explain how the role of the Surabaya City Social Service in the Implementation of Slum Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK) in Surabaya. The technique of collecting data is done by observation and interview and documentation. Analysis of this research data is an interactive model (Miles and Huberman). The results of the study are: (1) Determination of the number of targets in each village is good. This can be seen from the Surabaya City Social Service which has adjusted the number of targets with the conditions of each kelurahan and regional financial capacity. (2) Socialization is not optimal. This is because there are still people who are beneficiaries of the Slum Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK) who were not invited in the socialization activities. (3) Identification of targets is good. This is seen from the Social Service Office of Surabaya City which has carried out verification of administration and verification of the field in accordance with the established criteria. (4) Supervision is good. This can be seen from the Surabaya City Social Service which has carried out routine supervision on the repair of components of house building, as well as the budget and time of implementation received by beneficiaries in accordance with the existing provisions. (5) Evaluation is good. This can be seen from the Social Service Office of the City of Surabaya, which has carried out an evaluation of the implementation of the activity plan and evaluation of the achievement of the target groups periodically when after the handover report, at the time of the term, and evaluation of each companion team. So it can be concluded that the role of the Surabaya City Social Service in the implementation of the Slum Regional Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK) in Surabaya was good. Keywords : Role, Slum Area Social Rehabilitation Program (RSDK).

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