
Traditional villages have become the spearhead of community activities, especially in Bali. Regional Regulation (Perda) No.4 of 2019 concerning Traditional Villages is a breath of fresh air for indigenous people in Bali because it has legal legitimacy and recognition. Traditional villages played an important role during the covid-19 pandemic in Bali because they were at the forefront of protecting their territories, from securing the area to distributing social assistance. This study aims to analyze the strategies carried out by the government through customary villages to launch policies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research is a literature study, where the data obtained will be compiled, analyzed, and concluded which will lead to conclusions about the literature study of Balinese traditional villages as a strategy in launching policies during the pandemic. This study found that customary villages are a team that embodies effectiveness in efforts to tackle Covid-19 starting from the context, composition, and process in it to solidarity with social groups derived from local wisdom values. The welfare of members of customary villages, especially those assigned to the task force for handling Covid-19, must be considered and the regional government should not use a generic strategy to archive low costs and broad differentiation in implementing policies


  • Traditional villages have become the spearhead of community activities, especially in Bali

  • This study aims to analyze the strategies carried out by the government through customary villages to launch policies during the Covid-19 pandemic

  • This study found that customary villages are a team that embodies effectiveness in efforts to tackle Covid-19 starting from the context, composition, and process in it to solidarity with social groups derived from local wisdom values

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Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan lokal

Perda Desa Adat menjadi kekuatan Bali dalam mengatur wilayah dengan sah, karena memiliki legitimasi dan kekuatan hukum. Untuk melaksanakan tujuan desa adat dibutuhkan instrumen kebijakan publik sebagai sebuah tools atau media pemerintah dalam memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Kebijakan publik memiliki proses yaitu menuntun masyarakat maupun sistem pemerintahan kearah yang dicita-citakan atau tujuan baru. Kebijakan publik secara langsung memiliki tujuan, nilai, serta praktek pelaksanaannya, disamping itu dibuat oleh pemerintah, yang sejatinya kebijakan dibuat selalu memiliki perencanaan yang matang dan jelas. Aspirasi masyarakat serta kelompok tertentu baik swasta maupun stakeholder terkait dibutuhkan oleh pemerintah yang nantinya akan mengeluarkan suatu kebijakan. Sehungga, (Dunn, 2003) memaparkan pendekatan analisis dalam membuat suatu kebijakan, yaitu; empiris, normatif, serta evaluatif

Deskriptif dan prediktif
Pendekatan Empiris
Dengan adanya gugus tugas
Bali operasional
Teknologi Modern dan tradisional
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