
This review has attempted to study the literature pertaining to peptides derived from milk proteins. Hydrolysis of milk proteins to generate peptides has been practiced for a long time and it was recognized early on in this process that the taste of hydrolyzates might hinder use of these products in food formulations. Modification of protein is necessary to form a more acceptable or utilizable product, to form a product that is less susceptible to deteriorative reactions and to form a product that is of higher nutritionall quality. Modifications may be achieved by a number of chemical and enzymatic means. This review has considered only enzymatic modification of dairy proteins. Modified proteins contain peptides and some of these peptides have been purified and their functionalities have been compared with unmodified proteins. This paper has examined the literature pertaining to improvement in functionality of enzyme-modified proteins. Improvements in solubility, emulsification, foaming and gelation were examined. There is limited information available on the sequence of the peptides necessary to improve the functional characteristics of proteins. Knowing the sequences of desirable functional peptides can lead to genetic alteration of proteins to improve functionality. Addition of synthetic peptides to intact proteins may be another way in which the functionality of proteins can be augmented. Some of the peptides in milk proteins are capable of affecting biological functions of an organism. These effects can be antimicrobial and probiotic, i.e., prevent the growth and proliferation of undesirable and pathogenic organisms, or they may promote the growth of desirable bacteria in the digestive tract of humans and animals. Peptides derived from milk protein have been shown to exert digestive and metabolic effects as well. They may also influence the immune system. These biological effects may play an important role in the development of medical foods that treat or mitigate the effects of diseases. Proteins are allergens and therefore it is possible that products derived from modification of proteins may also be allergens. The known literature about the allergenicity of peptides derived from milk proteins has been examined in this article. Last, but not the least, the taste attributes of peptides is also considered. Bitterness of hydrolyzates is a common occurrence and the origins of these bitter peptides and possible ways of mitigating this sensory defect has been discussed. Many of the peptides that enhance functionality and exert biological activity are likely to be bitter. Therefore, the bitter taste of hydrolysis products has to be dealt with in boosting the functional or nutraceutical aspects of foods containing these peptides. Analytical techniques for sequencing peptides have become more accessible and purification of peptides is commercially feasible. Computer based modeling techniques have aided the prediction of structures in these peptides. These advances, coupled with the advances in biotechnology, promise to revolutionize the future of nutraceutical and functional foods.

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