
Background:Transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), a cation channel, is expressed predominantly in primary sensory neurons, but its central distribution and role in mood control are not well understood. We investigated whether TRPA1 is expressed in the urocortin 1 (UCN1)–immunoreactive centrally projecting Edinger–Westphal nucleus (EWcp), and we hypothesized that chronic variable mild stress (CVMS) would reduce its expression in mice. We anticipated that TRPA1 mRNA would be present in the human EWcp, and that it would be downregulated in people who died by suicide.Methods:We exposed Trpa1 knockout and wild-type mice to CVMS or no-stress control conditions. We then performed behavioural tests for depression and anxiety, and we evaluated physical and endocrinological parameters of stress. We assessed EWcp Trpa1 and Ucn1 mRNA expression, as well as UCN1 peptide content, using RNA-scope in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence. We tested human EWcp samples for TRPA1 using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.Results:Trpa1 mRNA was colocalized with EWcp/UCN1 neurons. Non-stressed Trpa1 knockout mice expressed higher levels of Ucn1 mRNA, had less body weight gain and showed greater immobility in the forced swim test than wild-type mice. CVMS downregulated EWcp/Trpa1 expression and increased immobility in the forced swim test only in wild-type mice. We confirmed that TRPA1 mRNA expression was downregulated in the human EWcp in people who died by suicide.Limitations:Developmental compensations and the global lack of TRPA1 may have influenced our findings. Because experimental data came from male brains only, we have no evidence for whether findings would be similar in female brains. Because a TRPA1-specific antibody is lacking, we have provided mRNA data only. Limited access to high-quality human tissues restricted sample size.Conclusion:TRPA1 in EWcp/UCN1 neurons might contribute to the regulation of depression-like behaviour and stress adaptation response in mice. In humans, TRPA1 might contribute to mood control via EWcp/UCN1 neurons.

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