
Currently approved replication-competent and inactivated vaccines are limited by excessive reactogenicity and poor safety profiles, while subunit vaccines are often insufficiently immunogenic without exogenous adjuvants. Self-assembling peptide-, peptidomimetic-, and protein-based biomaterials offer a means to overcome these challenges through their inherent modularity, multivalency, and biocompatibility. As these scaffolds are biologically derived and present antigenic arrays reminiscent of natural viruses, they are prone to immune recognition and are uniquely capable of acting as self-adjuvanting vaccine delivery vehicles that improve humoral and cellular responses. Beyond this intrinsic immunological advantage, the wide range of available amino acids allows for facile de novo design or straightforward modifications to existing sequences. This has permitted the development of vaccines and immunotherapies tailored to specific disease models, as well as generalizable platforms that have been successfully applied to prevent or treat numerous infectious and non-infectious diseases. In this review, we briefly introduce the immune system, discuss the structural determinants of coiled coils, β-sheets, peptide amphiphiles, and protein subunit nanoparticles, and highlight the utility of these materials using notable examples of their innate and adaptive immunomodulatory capacity.

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