
This paper clarified the state of livelihood adaptation of resettlers affected by the hydroelectric power development project, from five aspects of rural livelihood: Social, economic, physical, natural, and human aspects, in the central province of Laos. Findings revealed that each ethnic group has significantly different adaptation levels under each aspect of livelihood. Phong ethnic group has the highest level of physical (93.00%) and natural adaptation (78.50%) but has the lowest one in human adaptation (68.75%); Pao ethnic group has the highest level of social (21.86%) and human adaptation (82.07%) but has the lowest rate of physical (84.28%) and natural adaptation (48.59%), and Hmong ethnic group has the lowest one of social adaptation (12.45%) while the physical (85.66%), natural (53.76%) and human adaptation (77.24%) levels are the second highest among the three ethnic groups. Furthermore, among five aspects of livelihood adaptations in each ethnic group; it indicated that social adaptation is the lowest level, but physical adaptation is the highest level. Therefore, it can be concluded that social aspect of livelihood adaptation is the most difficult one for project affected people to adjust themselves to the new livelihood environment at the resettlement sites. Key words: Livelihood adaptation, project affected people, rural resettlement, Laos.

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