
Each year the world must feed an additional 95 million people. However each year we lose 24 billion tons of top soil and trillions of gallons of ground water. These factors lead to only 1 conclusion the world is going to suffer from wide-spread starvation unless both the problems of population growth and agriculture waste are solved. The amount of energy from the sun captured by green plants and organisms using photosynthesis minus the energy used by those organisms for their own life processes is called the net primary product (NPP) currently human activity uses up 30% of the NPP and all other forms of life on earth rely on the NPP to survive. The more we use the less nonhuman life can exist. Deforestation and development of agricultural land reduces the NPP. These activities also contribute to global warming as does our use of fossil fuels. The outcome of the model discussed in this article is that without significant reduction in world population global warming and starvation surely loom in our future.

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