
Mc Kenzie Neck Exercise is a spine and muscle stretching exercise that is carried out throughout the exercise movement with predetermined repetitions. Counseling was carried out aiming to provide understanding to employees at the KIA room at the Singosari Health Center regarding the role of physiotherapy in treating neck pain, especially its causes, how to prevent it, and how to do the Mc Kenzie cervical exercise to reduce neck pain. Presentation of counseling material in the form of definitions, causes, ways to prevent it, as well as various McKenzie neck exercise movements that can be done independently by employees. The health promotion media used was in the form of leaflets accompanied by demonstrations of the Mc Kenzie cervical exercise movements. Counseling was successful and understandable to the participants, so the evaluation results showed that after the material was given, the participants' knowledge increased from 40% to 100%. Counseling activities can broaden participants' understanding of the role of physiotherapy in neck pain, as well as Mc Kenzie cervical exercises to reduce neck pain which can be done independently.

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