
The Kangkung village in Bandar Lampung is a village where most of the people earn a living as fishermen, so many women in the family have to go down to help the family's economy by going straight to helping the activities of catching marine products. The targets and objectives to be achieved in Community Service Activities (PKM) are giving direction to women from fishing families in the Kangkung village in order to develop their abilities and partitions in improving the family's economy. The method used in this Community Service (PKM) activity is to provide counseling and discussion in the context of socializing Providing guidance to women from fishing families in the kangkung village in order to develop their abilities and partitions in improving the family economy. With this extension, it is expected that women from fishing families in kangkung village will be able to develop their capabilities and participation in improving the family's economy. Through this training women in fishing villages are expected to realize that development and its results should be enjoyed by all levels of society both men and women ". Especially in the aspects of gender women and men should get access to manf, participation and evaluation of the results of development equally and fair.The word Kunct: Extension, Women, Education, Economy

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