
The health issue is still a primary obstacle in Indonesia. All sectors need to pay attention to it; otherwise, the human resource level will be low. In line with this socialization is needed to encourage children especially, to start aware of consuming a healthy diet. In addition, this can broaden children’s horizons about what they better eat. The method in this activity is by using snake ladder game which is more attractive and fun for children. This method, in fact, can enhance children's knowledge. During the pre-test, the correct answers were 11,9 on average; while after the socialization the right answers were 14,5 on average. It shows that the sharing knowledge by snake ladder game is effectively helpful for children to increase their knowledge.


  • Health issue is still a primary obstacle in Indonesia

  • The method in this activity is by using snake ladder game

  • It shows that the sharing knowledge by snake ladder game is effectively helpful for children to increase their knowledge

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Persiapan Kegiatan

Permasalahan gizi merupakan hal krusial yang membutuhkan perhatian semua pihak. Negara akan memiliki potensi sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas jika sejak dini masyarakat nya sadar akan pentingnya pemenuhan nilai gizi bagi calon generasi penerus. Tindakan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi gizi seimbang yang dilakukan di Desa Golong sangat memberikan dampak yang signifikan. Terlihat pada gambar 2, anak-anak tersebut sangat antusias dalam bermain. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan pre-test dan post-test kepada siswa-siswi SDN 3 Golong untuk mengukur sejauh mana efektivitas metode ular tangga https://journal.universitasbumigora.ac.id/index.php/ADMA | 87. Anak-anak diarahkan untuk bermain sambil belajar sehingga menciptakan suasana yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran di kelas. Hasil pretest dan posttest dapat dilihat pada table berikut:

Mean Pretest
Daftar Pustaka
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