
The 2019 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections became an evaluation material in terms of law enforcement against election violations and criminal acts, the number of violations and the lack of active public participation in submitting reports of alleged violations became the starting point for the service team to carry out legal counseling. The methods used are (1) pre-activity by surveying the location of the extension, (2) implementation of activities using the lecture method from the presenter, (3) evaluation by discussion and question and answer. The conclusions of the implementation of this legal counseling include: (1) knowing technically knowing the procedures for conducting elections: (2) knowing the forms of election violations and crimes: (3) knowing problems that may arise in the upcoming elections. Recommendations from the implementation of this activity are the need for harmonization of regulations related to law enforcement in resolving disputes and election violations and it is hoped that the community will be more active in participating and supervising the 2024 democratic party.

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