
Islamic banking is an economic business activity that is expected to be an alternative solution for efforts to optimize the potential of the community's economic resources, especially for Muslim communities who have long doubted the interest system in conventional banking, which can eliminate all forms of usury economic business practices, formally juridical recognition of economic principles. Sharia has been included in Law no. 3 of 2006 as an amendment to Law No. 7 of 1989, which confirms that the Court in its duties and authorities can decide Sharia Economic cases, while the issue of sharia economic disputes is relatively new and not widely known in the legal world. So the author would like to review the readiness of Religious Court judges in settlement of Sharia Economic disputes using a juridical-normative, conceptual and legal approach.


  • Islamic banking is an economic business activity that is expected to be an alternative solution for efforts to optimize the potential of the community's economic resources, especially for Muslim communities who have long doubted the interest system in conventional banking, which can eliminate all forms of usury economic business practices, formally juridical recognition of economic principles

  • Sharia has been included in Law no. 3 of 2006 as an amendment to Law No 7 of 1989, which confirms that the Court in its duties and authorities can decide Sharia Economic cases, while the issue of sharia economic disputes is relatively new and not widely known in the legal world

  • Putusan ini menunjukkan Hakim Mahkamah Konstitusi berpikir hukum progresif dimana telah memberikan kejelasan terkait tugas dan wewenang penyelesaian perkara ekonomi syariah dengan bertujuan agar tidak terjadi kembali permasalahan yang sama dikemudian hari

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Islamic banking is an economic business activity that is expected to be an alternative solution for efforts to optimize the potential of the community's economic resources, especially for Muslim communities who have long doubted the interest system in conventional banking, which can eliminate all forms of usury economic business practices, formally juridical recognition of economic principles. Benua Enginering Consultant) mengajukan uji materiil pasal 55 ayat (2) dan (3) Undang-undang No 21 Tahun 2008 tentang Perbankan Syariah terhadap pasal 28 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar (UUD) 1945 yang didaftarkan di Kepaniteraan Mahkamah Konstitusi pada tanggal 19 Oktober 2012 berdasarkan Akta Penerimaan Berkas Permohonan Nomor322/PAN.MK/2012 dan telah dicatat dalam Buku Registrasi Perkara Konstitusi pada tanggal 24 September 2012 dengan No.93/PUU-X/2012.10 Persyaratan standing juga dapat dikatakan terpenuhi karena penggugat atau pemohon mempunyai kepentingan nyata dan secara hukum dilindungi.

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