
Article 41 paragraph (2) of Law No. 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest states that, when granting Compensation of Parties Entitled to receive Mandatory Compensation, a. exercising the release of rights; and b. submit evidence of ownership or ownership of Land Procurement Objects to Agencies that require land through land institutions. In the court's ruling stated that the boundaries of the land should be mentioned and how much extent was waived and the rest how much, and the procedure of disengagement of the right there was preparation, planning, implementation and release, and the release of the land rights was always followed by compensation, because this is an unlawful act. The results of this study show that, the release of land rights by the government in the land registration process in the court's ruling states that if 6 (six) landowners relinquish the right, it must be 6 (six) people who relinquish their rights if only 2 (two) are invalid, then a new land is said to be state land after the release of his rights. Any release of land rights must have a reason there can't be no reason land is being released to the state. The procedure for the release of that right is there is preparation, planning, implementation and release, and the release of the land rights is always followed by compensation.


  • Article 41 paragraph (2) of Law No 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest states that, when granting Compensation of Parties Entitled to receive Mandatory Compensation, a. exercising the release of rights; and b. submit evidence of ownership or ownership of Land Procurement Objects to Agencies that require land through land institutions

  • The results of this study show that, the release of land rights by the government in the land registration process in the court's ruling states that if 6 (six) landowners relinquish the right, it must be 6 (six) people who relinquish their rights if only 2 (two) are invalid, then a new land is said to be state land after the release of his rights

  • Upaya hukum penyelesaian yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan hukum terhadap pelepasan hak atas tanah tanpa ganti rugi mengenai tindakan melepaskan kepemilikan hak milik suatu tanah dalam pembangunan bagi masyarakat pada umumnya yaitu pembuatan suatu jalan raya ialah dengan memberikan perlindungan hukum secara preventif, yaitu dengan cara pemerintah melakukan musyawarah terlebih dahulu dengan masyarakat yang memiliki kepemilikan hak milik suatu tanah dalam hal penilaian imbalan ganti kerugian untuk siserahkan natinya

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Dalam Proses Pendaftaran Tanah

Settlement of Land Rights Release Dispute by the Government in the Land Registration Process. Dalam putusan pengadilan menyatakan batasbatas tanah harus disebutkan dan berapa luas yang dilepaskan haknya dan sisanya berapa, dan prosedur pelepasan hak itu ada persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelepasan, serta pelepasan hak tanah itu selalu diikuti dengan ganti rugi, karena ini merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, pelepasan hak atas tanah oleh pemerintah dalam proses pendaftaran tanah dalam putusan pengadian menyatakan jika 6 (enam) pemilik tanah melepaskan hak, harus 6 (enam) orang tersebut yang melepaskan haknya jika hanya 2 (dua) saja itu tidak sah, kemudian suatu tanah baru dikatakan sebagai tanah negara setelah adanya pelepasan haknya. Setiap pelepasan hak atas tanah pasti ada sebabnya tidak mungkin tidak ada sebabnya tanah dilepaskan haknya kepada negara. Prosedur pelepasan hak itu ada persiapan, perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan pelepasan, dan pelepasan hak tanah itu selalu diikuti dengan ganti rugi.

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