
INTRODUCTION The increase of Motor vehicles in recent years has been phenomenal and importance of road traffic in supporting the social and economic activities every increase; as the result, road congestion, accident, air pollution is becoming serious year after year. In urban area, it has been difficult to implement a drastic plan like a new road construction as a resolution for traffic congestion (Asgekar, 2003; Wray, Markham, & Mathieu, 2003; Daribari, Medhavi, & Srivastava, 2007; Daribari, Medhavi, & Srivastava, 2008). So we are forced to find out other practicable solutions based on individual conditions of actual road configuration and available technologies. It is beneficial to develop some representation format which could support dynamic graphical representation. The Microscopic graphical representation could contribute to this requisite as a competent tool to explain details of relationships between traffic flows and proposed alternatives both from logical and experimental points of view. Most of previous studies worked on architectural analysis but there is little being done on development of Language development of Workflow system with special emphasis on urban Traffic systems (Darbari & Bhaskar, 2008; Dvorak & Novak, 2003; Georgakopoulos, Homick, & Sheth, 1995; Panagos & Rabinovich, 1996; Knybel, 2005). We have shown the traffic flow by the help of Petri-net graphs Wang, 1998; Kepuska, Grubuz, rodriguez, Fiore, Carsten, converse, & Metcalf, 2008; Zhang, Lin, & Hsieh, 2008). The use of Petri-nets have been criticized for the use in modeling complex business processes, specially when dealing with multilayer graphical representation but Petri-net Transportation Language (PENTRAL) provides an extension to Petri-net theory providing a set of techniques to describe complex traffic management process. It could offer a technique with perfect verification capabilities and comprehensible models. The purpose of this paper is to show how Petri-net language can provide pattern interactions. PENTRAL will provide an easy representation of objects like route section and link in which represent a part of the layered tree structure. The control flow aspects of urban Traffic system will define the alphabet of a labeled Petri-net as the set of activities of the process, the Petri-net generate a language over the task of the processes: LITERATURE REVIEW Urban TNs (Transport Networks) exhibit high degree of concurrency and are characterized by resource sharing and conflicts. Hence, appropriate models of these systems have to take into account such distinctive features, in order to result in efficient traffic management strategies. In particular, urban TNs can be viewed as event driven and asynchronous systems. Their dynamics depends on the complex interactions of the timing of various discrete events, such as arrivals or departures of vehicles at intersections and beginning or completion of the various phases in the signal timing plans of the traffic lights controlling junctions. Thanks to the well known ability of Petri Nets (PNs) to capture concurrency and asynchrony, PN based models may be suitably derived for urban traffic systems. More precisely, PNs can be employed both for describing traffic signals controlling urban signalized areas, as well as for modeling concurrent activities that are typical of TNs. Tensen (1992) present a traffic model in a timed PN framework, where tokens are vehicles and places are parts of lanes and intersections. Since in PNs tokens cannot distinguish among different vehicles and their associated routes, colours are introduced in (Murata, 1989), where a different number (colour) is assigned to each vehicle entering the system. The model is realized by defining appropriate subnets modeling links and intersections: PATTERNS IN PETRI-NETS REPRESENTATION Traditionally most techniques used for the analysis of Business process originate from operation research. …

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