
Each country is currently focusing on developing tourism, considering its impact on economic growth and people’s welfare. Yogyakarta is one of the regions with diverse tourist destinations. The majority of tourist destinations in Yogyakarta city promote arts and culture as tourism icons, including tourism village destinations. However, tourism villages in the city have not fully received tourist attention. Therefore, solutions are required to be found to optimize tourism management and significantly increase the number of tourist visits. This paper aimed to describe the interaction between the government, the tourism industry, higher education institution, media, society, and environment in the tourism village management in Yogyakarta city. The discussion results describe that tourism village management requires synergistic interaction from some elements covering the government, tourism industry, higher education institution, media, society, and environment. The interaction can at least be a solution in improving the quality of tourism village management. Triple-Helix focuses on interactions among higher education institution, industry, and government on innovation. Quadruple-Helix adds the fourth helix, namely culture and media-based public. Quintuple-Helix is a collaboration of elements contained in the Quadruple-Helix with the addition of the natural environment of society. Penta-Helix adds the media element. With the presence of the government, tourism industry, higher education institution, media, society, and environment that interact with each other, the management of tourism villages in Yogyakarta city becomes more optimal and attract more tourists to visit.

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