
Introduction: evaluation of pension reform the structure of the book. Part 1 Background to pension reform in Latin America: the origins and evolution of pension schemes explaining pension scheme deficits why structural pension reform? conclusion. Part 2 The reformed pension schemes: the main functions of pension schemes evaluating pension scheme design the individual capitalization pension scheme in Chile comparison of pension reform in Latin America conclusion. Part 3 The pension fund management market: main features of the private pension market in Chile the performance of pension schemes managers competition and regulation in the pension fund management market issues of efficiency and redistribution the new pension fund management market in Latin America the evolution of the pension fund management market in Chile, Peru and Argentina conclusion. Part 4 Pension reform, saving and capital market: pension reform and saving: pension reform and capital markets pension reform and financial markets in Latin America conclusion. Part 5 Pension scheme cover: pension reform and labour market efficiency pension scheme coverage - definitions and policy issues pension scheme coverage in Chile pension scheme coverage in Latin America conclusion. Part 6 Retirement income: the elderly, retirement income and poverty pension benefits in the new pension schemes and retirement income conclusion. Conclusion: an assessment of pension reform in Latin America lessons from other countries future trends and research agenda.

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