
Relaxation, a term which is bandied about too easily, needs to be redefined as a therapy based on the body's physical and psychological identity. We would like to introduce you to our group which provides therapeutic relaxation for children. This group is made up of boys and girls between six and ten for whom group sessions and work based on the unit soma/psyche have been prescribed, with or without individual therapy sessions; group work may also be offered to children who are not initially under individual therapy. The physical signs are: severe, specific language problems, major inhibitions, lack of psychomotive ability, narcissistic tendencies and self-confidence problems, difficulties of separation–individuation. Failure at school and related problems are also indicators in childhood neurosis. This multidisciplinary team (a psychologist and a psychomotricity therapist) uses the relaxation therapy developed by Bergès. This technique, which is new and adapted to children, enables a child to live or relive earlier experiences in a more satisfactory way, through the process of regression. The therapy leads the child in a process of psychic differentiation, allowing him to support his physical existence with internal images which are sufficiently stable and secure. We will also present two case studies which illustrate the specific nature of the body-based approach to therapy: Stephane and Theo.

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