
In the context of community engagement, the Student Association of the Electrical Engineering Program (HMPSTE) at Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University (UNISNU) Jepara conducted an Internet of Things (IoT) training as part of the celebration of the Dies Natalis of the Electrical Engineering Department at UNISNU. The main issue addressed was enhancing the understanding of students from SMKN 1 Kalinyamatan Jepara regarding the concepts and applications of IoT in daily life. The method employed involved a practical and interactive approach, with direct instruction by Ahmad Faidlon a lecturer in Electrical Engineering at UNISNU Jepara with expertise in IoT. The material was presented in an easily understandable language, providing fundamental knowledge about IoT, its principles, and examples of its implementation in various fields. Interactive strategies included Q&A sessions and direct discussions between students and the speaker. The results of the community engagement encompassed an improved understanding of IoT technology among students and a heightened interest in the field. Muhammad Wildan Aufal Addiyan, Chairman of HMPSTE UNISNU Jepara, expressed satisfaction with the success of the training, hoping it would motivate and provide new insights to students regarding the latest technological developments. A participant in the training also expressed gratitude, stating joy over the clarity and attractiveness of the material presented. Through this training, HMPSTE UNISNU Jepara contributed to the development of technological knowledge among students at SMKN 1 Kalinyamatan Jepara, creating a positive moment in the celebration of the Dies Natalis of the Electrical Engineering Department at UNISNU, and strengthening the bond between students and the community.

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