
The objectives and benefits obtained from this Microsoft Excel training are related to improving human resources (HR), especially village officials, namely providing knowledge and understanding of village officials on information technology and computers as well as increasing the ability and expertise of village apparatus in Wirogunan village, Kartasura district, Sukoharjo Regency in using technology. computers, especially Microsoft Excel application program. The problem is that the increasing number of residents with various educational backgrounds, social status, and professions makes the form of government services in the village more complex, while in service to the community and in making reports, the village apparatus of the Wirogunan village still has not fully utilized its potential especially in operationalize the Microsoft Excel program. The output target to be achieved is with the Microsoft Excel computer training program so that participants can understand and increase their knowledge in operating Microsoft Excel to carry out the task of compiling reports and also in serving the community.
 Keywords: Information Technology, Microsoft Excel, Village Tools


  • : The objectives and benefits obtained from this Microsoft Excel training are related to improving human resources (HR), especially village officials, namely providing knowledge and understanding of village officials on information technology and computers as well as increasing the ability and expertise of village apparatus in Wirogunan village, Kartasura district, Sukoharjo Regency in using technology. computers, especially Microsoft Excel application program

  • The problem is that the increasing number of residents with various educational backgrounds, social status, and professions makes the form of government services in the village more complex, while in service to the community and in making reports, the village apparatus of the Wirogunan village still has not fully utilized its potential especially in operationalize the Microsoft Excel program

  • The output target to be achieved is with the Microsoft Excel computer training program so that participants can understand and increase their knowledge in operating Microsoft Excel to carry out the task of compiling reports and in serving the community

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Meningkatnya kemampuan dan keahlian perangkat desa dalam

Hasil menggunakan teknologi komputer khususnya program aplikasi microsoft excel. Pelatihan komputer ini terlaksana selama 1 hari dilaksanakan dari pukul 08.00-12.00 di kantor Balai Desa Wirogunan Kecamatan Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Para peserta ternyata masih membutuhkan pengetahuan yang lebih banyak mengenai penggunaan Microsoft Excel di dalam melaksanakan tugas memyusun laporan dan juga dalam melayani masyarakat.Materi excel dengan memperkenalkan area excel dan juga pengenalan rumus fungsi-fungsi seperti, fungsi string, fungsi statistik, fungsi logika if, pembuatan tabel. B. Demonstrasi Metode ini digunakanuntuk menunjukkan suatu proses kerja yaitu tahap-tahap instalasi komputer serta windows dan aplikasi perkantoran. C. Latihan Metode latihan ini digunakan untuk memberikan tugas mandiri kepada para peserta untuk mempraktekan instalasi dan aplikasi perkantoran. Pelaksanaan pelatihan diawali dengan perkenalan dan maksud dari tujuan melakukan pengabdian kemudian memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan bagaimana bekerja dengan komputer khususnya menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian yang ingin dicapai yaitu dengan adanya pengetahuan dan pelatihan komputer pada program Microsoft Excel maka dapat diketahui bahwa peserta dapat memahami dan meningkatkan pengetahuannya dalam mengoperasikan microsoft excel melaksanakan tugas memyusun laporan dan juga dalam melayani masyarakat

Foto pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat
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