
Tawaeli - Toboli is one of the road that often undergo landslide. Most of these roads are in a mountainous area with high steep slopes and poor soil conditions. The road conditions worsened, especially in rainy season resulting the citizen do not know anywhere that is prone to landslides such as in Km 16 to 17. The purpose of this study was to analyze slope stability using bioengineering methods, determine the shear strength of soil without plant roots and soil with plant roots and to determine the potential for landslides that will occur. Bioengineering is used to increase the strength of the soil, and stabilize slopes and reduce erosion on slopes. The slope stability calculation using the Bishop slice method. The calculating of safety factor analyzed using the Slope / W application and manually. Soil samples were taken from 3 (three) points and the soil strength parameters, soil cohesion and friction angle, were obtained through laboratory testing. Tests were carried out using rootless and rooted soil samples. In addition, direct field observations were made to obtain slope angles and slope heights. The results showed that the parameters of soil shear strength, cohesion and friction angle increased with the presence of plant roots. The results of the slope stability analysis show that the conditions of the slope are stable at slope 1 (Km 16) and slope 3 (Km 17) with a safety factor greater than 1.5. While slope 2 (Km 16 +300) has the potential for landslides as a safety factor of less than 1.5. The use of bioengineering increases the safety factor to be greater than 1.5. The calculation of the value of the safety factor using the Slope / W program and the Bishop manual is not much different, but the calculation time with the Slope / W program is faster


  • Tawaeli - Toboli is one of the road that often undergo landslide

  • The results showed that the parameters of soil shear strength, cohesion and friction angle increased with the presence of plant roots

  • REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development, Vol 2(1), March 2021 This page is intentionally left blank

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Lereng adalah suatu permukaan yang miring dan membentuk sudut tertentu terhadap bidang horizontal. Pada lereng ini mempunyai ketinggian lereng yang sangat curam dan memiliki kondisi tanah yang buruk, sehingga jika terjadi hujan maka lereng tersebut akan berpotensi terjadinya longsor [6,7,8]. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menghitung kekuatan geser tanah dengan akar dibandingkan dengan tanah tanpa akar, menganalisis kestabilan lereng pada Km 16 sampai Km 17, serta menghitung faktor keamanan menggunakan metode Bishop dan program Slope/W. Cara ini dapat dipakai pada lereng yang tidak terlalu tinggi, karena pada lereng-lereng yang tinggi, tekanan tanah yang longsor sangat besar jika dibandingkan dengan gaya yang dapat ditahan oleh dinding tersebut tidak akan berpengaruh [14]. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pengumpulan data dilapangan (Gambar 2) kemudian diuji di laboratorium Mekanika Tanah.

Metode Irisan Bishop yang Disederhanakan
Hasil Pengamatan di lapangan dan uji laboratorium
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