
Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSPPS) BMT Al Yaman Wringinputih Muncar Banyuwangi is one of the institutions operating in the economic sector which has been located at the location of the Manbaul Ulum Banyuwangi Islamic Boarding School Foundation since 2016 with the slogan "Maintaining Trust, Achieving Barokah". KSPPS BMT Al Yaman Wringinputih Muncar Banyuwangi is a cooperative that organizes sharia savings and loan activities. KSPPS BMT Al Yaman in its marketing uses a Door to Door marketing strategy to attract customers. The aim of this research is to find out the Door to Door marketing strategy that has been carried out by KSPPS BMT Al Yaman Wringinputih Muncar Banyuwangi in improving KSPPS BMT Al Yaman Wringinputih transaction services and to find out the obstacles and efforts implemented. This research uses a field research method with a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection in the form of observation, indirect interviews and documentation taken from one hundred Wringinputih Muncar Banyuwangi customers. The results of this research are a Door to Door marketing strategy to improve services that have been carried out by KSPPS BMT Al Yaman, realizing that customers feel very helped, which creates a sense of trust in the services provided. However, there were several obstacles that emerged from KSPPS BMT Al Yeman which were followed up directly. From the efforts that have been made, there are several obstacles that must be optimized in improving services. Several suggestions that researchers gave to KSPPS BMT Al Yeman to optimize the Sharia Agent program, M-BMT Al Yaman, and public relations. Another suggestion is to provide guidance to the AO (Account Officer) to be confident in conveying cooperative product information to customers in order to gain customer loyalty

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