
(Improvement of fermented bagasse quality as animal feed by fermentation through administration of sago flour at different levels)ABSTRACT. Feed plays an important role in livestock production system. Due to limitation of pasture and forege areas, it needs to find new feed alternative as replacement of forage as animal feed. One of feed alternatives as replacement of forage is bagasse. Bagasse has low nutritive content and digestibility. One of the efforts to improve bagasse quality is by fermentation. The purpose of this experiment was to improve nutritive values of bagasse by fermentation method by using Trichoderma harzianum as inoculum. This research was conducted at Animal Nutrition Laboratory, Animal Husbandry Department, Agricultural Faculty, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh from January to April 2015. The experiment was designed by completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments (addition of sago flour at defferent levels); R1 control (0% sago flour), R2 (5% sago flour), R3 (10% sago flour), R4 (15% sago flour) of fermented material. Each treatment has 4 replications, therefore there were 16 units of treatment. Parameters observed in this experiment were nutritive values of fermented bagasse including the contents of dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber and ash. The results of the experiments indicated that fermented bagasse with Trichoderma harzianum by addition of various levels of sago flour had significantly effect (P0, 05) on crude fiber and ash contents. However, there were not significantly difference (P0, 05) on dry matter and crude protein contents. In conclusion, addition of various levels of sago flour by using Trichoderma harzianum at fermented bagasse was able to improve nutritive values of fermented bagasse.


  • Feed plays an important role in livestock production system

  • of the efforts to improve bagasse quality is by fermentation

  • This research was conducted at Animal Nutrition Laboratory

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Tempat dan Waktu Pelaksanaan Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Makanan Ternak Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh dari bulan Januari sampai April 2015. Materi Penelitian Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari ampas tebu yang diperoleh di daerah sekitar kampus. Sedangkan T. harzianum yang digunakan sebagai starter dalam proses fermentasi diperoleh dari Balai Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan Jl. T. Sebagai sumber karbohidrat terlarut yang ditambahkan pada media fermentasi dalam penelitian ini digunakan tepung sagu. Bahan dan Alat yang Digunakan Bahan-bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu ampas tebu, starter T. harzianum, tepung sagu, molases, urea, dan akuades. Ampas tebu dicacah dengan ukuran sekitar 1-2 inci dan dan diamoniasi dengan menambahkan urea 4% dari bahan kering selama 14 hari. Dalam larutan spora T. harzianum ditambahkan molasses 10% dari bahan kering, selanjutnya diaduk hingga homogen. Substrat sebanyak 300 g/unit perlakuan yang dimasukkan ke dalam kantong plastik hitam dan ditambahkan tepung sagu menurut level masing-masing perlakuan, yaitu 0%, 5%, 10%, dan 15% dari bahan kering. Selanjutnya sampel dianalisis kandungan bahan kering, protein kasar, serat kasar dan abu (AOAC, 1995)

Rancangan Penelitian Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Kadar Bahan Kering Ampas Tebu Fermentasi
Kadar Protein Kasar Ampas Tebu Fermentasi
Pemasakan dan Fermentasi Ampas Tebu dengan Trichoderma viride terhadap
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